School of Wood Carving online
Alexander Grabovetskiy- woodcarver
Learn to carve Ancient Greek Acanthus – woodcarving course
Walking through a history of the acanthus leaf has its difficulties, as the different art periods often overlap and the styles regularly migrate from country to country. There are many writings created on the history of ornamental arts, and I do not intend this Greek Acanthus carving Course to be an expert in historical account. I know about development of Acanthus in History but I am NOT Phd level historian.
I am Wood Carver who carves every day from the morning to late evening.
History of the acanthus leaf and meaning
Have you ever seen carved leaves used as building and room decorations? Or when You in Art museum and observing fine art, most likely the most famous painting will be surrounded with a beautiful carved frame. And on that frame, you most likely will see some carved foliage. They might have been acanthus leaves. Acanthus is everywhere.
I was visiting St. Augustine in Florida, the oldest city in USA. There is an old fort. Castillo de San Marcos National Monument. I should call it Castle. America starts here.
Very interesting fact, even on old cannons You still will find acanthus motif.
Acanthus leaf
Why is the acanthus leaf so popular with the old architectural elements of the Greco-Roman world and even modern days?
It is an excellent question. It appears almost mystical meaning behind acanthus.
According to ancient Greeks, Acanthus leaf represents the afterlife and immortality of the soul.
Acanthus Leaf design appears all over from the base of the Greek column all the way to the top of the pediment and very ornate cornice.
The Greeks used the acanthus leaf to decorate their elaborate buildings and temples.
It is a very rugged and hardy plant with great adaptation skills. In Southeast Asia the leaves have been used to store rice, the acanthus leaf draws the moisture out of the air preserving the rice.
The acanthus has been used in ancient China, Russia, India, Southeast Asia, the Mediterranean area and its outlying islands.
...Easily my most favorite piece to date
I did this Greek Acanthus project in Butternut because that’s what I had and it’s finished with beeswax. It’s had many compliments from lay people as well as renowned artists. They love the undercutting and the flow of the lines. Easily my most favorite piece to date. I’m looking forward to larger and more complex pieces.
Henry Adams // member of a school of woodcarving
acanthus leaf motif
Since about the 5th century Before Crisht, acanthus leaf motifs have become synonymous with the classical architecture of Greeks.
During Renaissance times and medieval times , it also incorporated the acanthus leaf motif into woodcarvings, sculptures, and cornices, fine art framing, house doors and windows casings.
Today we could find the acanthus leaf motif in the interior designs of homes with Classical design and on many public buildings, from the United States Capitol building in Washington, D.C. to the University of Notre Dame
Thru time, the acanthus leaf motif would find its way all the way to the grave, this leaf representing the afterlife and immortality of the soul.
All this is contained on-line and comes from Alexander Grabovetskiy’s long experience with the craft and art of wood carving
the Alexander Grabovetskiy on line workshop is essential for further development of the wood carving craft.
Gerry Michaud, Professor Emeritus, School of Design, University of Cincinnati
Ancient Greek architects and acanthus
When you will go to Greece, visit ruins of old Greek temples and palaces. You will find ancient Acanthus motif almost everywhere. I am not suggesting to believe what they believed. Look at work of ancient Greek architects as art. You will witness yourself, there is almost no building from old times without acanthus motif carved on them.
Very interesting development you will find. Century to century you will see a big difference in acanthus design. If You know about Acanthus, you will notice even smallest details. For example, how those artisans carved inner part of a leaf.
who never touched a carving tool before
Who carved before and want to learn new techniques
I have hobbyists who carved previously but want to polish skills and see other approaches to the wood carving craft.
Pro Woodworker
Who want to Master the art of wood carving
I have multiple professionals who carved for many years, and they still became a part of my school.
Learn to carve Ancient Greek Acanthus – woodcarving course
In this woodcarving course I will show how the most ancient for of Acanthus looked.
We should understand. Acanthus is not just acanthus. There are many forms of acanthus.
I was teaching woodcarving class in person in one of a woodworking schools and one person came to me and said.
- I never thought about acanthus in this perspective. For me Acanthus form is what i saw many times on Chippendale chairs. It is eye opener.
Greek Acanthus motif differs from Corinth Acanthus motif. And it is absolutely not the same as Roman Acanthus motif.
What do I mean by that?
You can find a difference in many details. When You look at acanthus, count how many divisions it has? 3 or 5 or 8. By those divisions you already could tell if this acanthus belongs to Greek culture or Roman period.
in this Course I will explain those differences.
How different Greek Acanthus from other styles
Look inside of acanthus divisions. What do you see? Do You see a v-cut or you see concave or may be convex? Do You know why they did what they did?
If You want to carve authentic Greek acanthus, then You have to know the history of it.
I this course I will try to show you authentic Greek acanthus with a V-cut inside of 5 separations.
I will also teach you how to do extreme undercuts. You will apply this woodcarving technique to any other woodcarving projects you intend to carve in future.
Alexander A Grabovetskiy
Born in the Soviet Union in the small town of Dimitrovgrad, Ulyanovsk Region in 1973, Alexander opened his eyes in a family with an inherent love for the arts. His great grandfather, an expert at Custom Wood Carving had his own furniture business. Alexander received his initial education in Ornamental Wood Carving from his grandfather when he was 6 years old. By this time, the family had been relocated to the town of Dimitrovgrad in Russia.
When Alexander was 16, he managed to impress Vladimir Tokarev, a professional carver famous for his skills with creating Hand Carved Furniture and other wooden goods. Vladimir took the teenager under his apprenticeship, teaching him the techniques that would help the kid create unique, award-winning Custom Wood Carving masterpieces.
Life seemed to be heading in the right direction for Alexander when he suffered the biggest setback of his life. He was arrested by the Soviet Government, and sent to prison for his adherence to Faith and refusal to enter the Red Army.
He was released from prison at the age of 21. By that time, Alexander had already started a successful architectural and ornamental wood carving business from prison.
In 1996, Alexander, his wife Nadia, and their 10-month old son Mark immigrated as a political refugee to the USA. The rest, as they say, is history.
"Carver whose work is so admirably skillful, crisp, and fluent."
David Esterly // Master Wood Carver Author of Multiple Books
I have just recently received the copy of WOODCARVING in which your carvings appear. Congratulations on your woodcarver of the year award. Mighty fine work.
Frederick Wilbur // Master Wood Carver Author of Multiple Books
NOT only Greek Acanthus
Carving Greek Acanthus is not the only course available to you.
ALL woodcarving courses will be accessible once you become a member of my school
Hats off to Alexander Grabovetskiy who carved this exceptional piece. What an elegant carving - it sings to me!
Chris Pye // Master Wood Carver Author of Multiple Books
your work is stunning
Mark Baker // Group Editor, Woodworking Magazines -Editor Woodturning & Woodcarving - Guild of Master Craftsmen Publications
Let Woodcarver,
Alexander Grabovetskiy
help you with Mastering Wood Carving Skills.
Learn to carve Ancient Greek Acanthus – woodcarving course
Learn Old world wood carving skills and techniques through online video lessons. You are going to learn the ways of how Master Wood Carvers work, develop 3D thinking for Wood Carving, and perfect your tool sharpening and maintenance.
Nothing to lose
If You don't like my Woodcarving School, You can cancel it at any time. You have nothing to lose, talk to me, and I will cancel Your subscription to the School of Woodcarving.
It is the best online woodworking school I have seen, and I have seen a lot of them over the years.
Alexander Grabovetskiy’s online woodcarving school.
It is the best online woodworking school I have seen, and I have seen a lot of them over the years. There are no gimmicks, just European craft tradition solidly rooted in a lifetime of training and experience, taught by a true master woodcarver (if you know me you know I do not use that word lightly, and I believe that is what sets this school apart from many of the other schools out there).
Luke Addington, Addington Furniture
My personal invitation
I would like personally invite You to join my School of Wood Carving. It is more than
carving Ancient Greek Acanthus – woodcarving course
It is not even a School in the usual sense. It is a Virtual apprenticeship. You will spend time watching me working on real projects in real speed. It is like being with me in my Carving studio and watch over the shoulder.